Difference between Flip-flop and Latch

Difference between latch and flip flop

What is Flip-Flop? 

Flip-flop is papular as a digital memory circuit, which stores one bit of information. Flip flops consider a fundamental block of most sequential circuits. It is also known as a binary or one-bit memory. Difference between latch and flip flop Many systems use Flip-flops as memory elements in the different sequential circuits.

It is possible to obtain the output in a sequential circuit from a combination of circuits or flip-flops or sometimes both. The state of flip-flop changes at the active state of clock pulses and possesses the ability to remain unaffected when the clock pulse is not active. In particular, clocked flip-flops serve as the significant and essential memory elements in any synchronous sequential Circuits and uncloaked flip-flops. They serve as memory elements in asynchronous sequential circuits efficiently. 

What is Latch? 

The latch is an electronic device. It keeps the power to alter its output immediately based on the applied input. They usually used to store either 1 or 0 at any specified time. It consists of two inputs. The first one is “SET,” and the other one is RESET, and two outputs, which are a complement to each other.

Difference between Flip-flop and Latch

Some of the and minor differences among flip and latch give below. Each term has its individualities: 

  • Flip-flop is a bistable device. It means that it possesses two stable states, which usually represented as 0 and 1. However, the Latch is also a bistable device whose states also represented as 0 and 1.
  • Flip-flop can check the inputs, but it also changes the output only at times defined by the clock signal or any other control signal. On the other hand, the latch checks the inputs uninterruptedly and responds to the variations in inputs instantaneously.
  • The flip flop is an edge-triggered device, and the latch is a level-triggered device.
  • Some Gates such as NOR, NOT, AND, NAND are some of the primary and famous building blocks of flip flops. In addition, the latch is also made up of gates.
  • It is easy to classify the flip-flop into asynchronous or synchronous flip-flops. However, for the latches, there is no such classification system.
  • Flip-flops have the potential to form the building blocks of many sequential circuits like counters. On the contrary, latches can use to design sequential circuits, but they are not generally preferred.
  • A Flip-flop will always have a clock signal, but latches will always lack a clock signal.
  • It is possible to build a Flip-flop from Latches, but Latches can build from gates. 
  • Some of the common examples of flip-flops are D Flip-flop, JK Flip-flops. SR Latch, D Latch are some common examples of latches. 

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On the other hand

  • The latch is always transparent as input will directly connect to output whenever enable is high. It means that Latch is sensitive to pulse duration, which is also as a soft barrier. On the other hand, Flip-flop is a pair of latches such as master and slave flop, and they are sensitive to pulse transition. In a flip flop, the signal only propagates through the rising or falling edge, also known as the rigid barrier.